Friday, December 22, 2017

Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
The perfect Christmas gift!
Paperback, Kindle:

Friday, December 8, 2017

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
The perfect Christmas gift!
Paperback, Kindle:

Monday, December 4, 2017

Not only was his Mannlicher-Carcano an accurate weapon, but Oswald was an excellent marksman.  Here’s proof from page 128 (paperback version) of my book The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer

Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

“…clear, succinct, entertaining, informative…”
“…breaks very much new ground.”

While echoes of that fatal third shot were still resonating through Dealey Plaza, the collusion, the lies and the cover-up began. A high-level conspiracy took root, forcing us to believe the ‘official’ story including destruction of evidence, splicing of films and routine lying by the highest government officials.

The Final Truth solves this great mystery with breakthrough never-before-published original research and analyses, overturning much of what we know about the JFK assassination. It’s perfect for those who want a common sense, easy-to-read book that covers all the important facts. One expert called it “the best JFK assassination book I ever read.”

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
Edward Bauer

Saturday, November 18, 2017

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer

Paperback and Kindle:

Friday, November 3, 2017

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination

Greatest mystery of modern times!  Great reviews!
Paperback, Kindle:

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination

Greatest mystery of modern times!  Great reviews!
Paperback, Kindle:

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Real life is far more complex than the passionate but simplistic Conspiracy vs. Oswald debate.  ‘CT or LN?’ should be embarrassingly demeaning, yet even otherwise intelligent thinkers fall into this good guy/bad guy trap.

If you want to solve this case (and many don’t), you’ve got to break away from this simplistic mindset.  To determine what actually occurred— in real life— you must accept that it’s an intricate combination of both.

Lee Harvey Oswald, without help or backing, was the sole assassin.  Yet a multifaceted conspiracy erupted almost instantly to make us believe the ‘official’ story including destruction of evidence, splicing of films and routine lying by our top government officials.

The Final Truth demonstrates why the final truth was LN up until Z313 and CT thereafter.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Why the FBI lied about the fresh bullet mark on the Main Street curb

This FBI cover-up has fooled people for over 50 years.  It was a complex conspiracy that:
1. Deliberately spliced eight frames out of the Tina Towner film
2. Deliberately spliced four frames from the Zapruder film
3. First denied the existence of the bullet gouge in the south curb of Main Street
4. Patched over that gouge
5. Removed that entire curb section and took it to Washington, DC
6. Lied to the Warren Commission about results of the spectrographic analysis of the curb
7. Willfully twisted and distorted witness statements to make it appear they were saying things they were not.

Most conspiracies like this are tacit, unspoken but understood by all involved.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
Edward Bauer

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Will the soon-to-be-released documents show what my book The Final Truth has been demonstrating: that the FBI knew all along that the bullet mark on the Main Street curb was made by Oswald zeroing his firearm?  And that they deliberately spliced both the Zapruder and Towner films to cover up that early first shot?

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination is available in paperback and kindle at

Saturday, October 14, 2017


Who are they?  The high-frequency posters on internet discussion groups have no desire to improve.  Ensconced in their comfy cocoons, their playpens of arguing, these ‘researchers’ want only to perpetuate their pointless, endless disputes.  The Arguers’ worst fear is that this case gets solved.

No, the true researchers don’t post, don’t argue, don’t need an internet presence.  They quietly unearth neglected, misunderstood or forgotten clues.  They analyze and re-analyze, unafraid to change their minds.  With years of hands-on experience in disciplines essential for solving these mysteries, they see theorizing as unnecessary.  For the Solvers, the only way to improve is to crack the case.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Those who believe that Oswald was waiting for the bus outside his rooming house after assassinating President Kennedy can give no reason why.  Why would he take that 22/Beckley bus northbound back toward Dallas?  Or southbound, which would take him exactly where?  If you can’t say “why,” you can’t say “what.”

Lee hurriedly left and set out on foot to try to escape with his life.  He knew his best chance was to flee the country ASAP.  Just two months earlier, he had taken a Greyhound bus to Mexico.  That meant transferring to the 55/Lancaster bus to connect.  But thanks to Mary Bledsoe, he now had to walk to the stop at Jefferson and Ewing, forced south by the dry creek bed created by the old outflow from Lake Cliff. 

For full details, read
The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer 
Paperback and Kindle:

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

“…clear, succinct, entertaining, informative…” 
“…breaks very much new ground.”

While echoes of that fatal third shot were still resonating through Dealey Plaza, the collusion, the lies and the cover-up began. A high-level conspiracy erupted, forcing us to believe the ‘official’ story including destruction of evidence, splicing of films and routine lying by the highest government officials.

The Final Truth  solves this great mystery with breakthrough never-before-published original research and analyses, overturning much of what we know about the JFK assassination. It’s perfect for those who want a common sense, easy-to-read book that covers all the important facts. One expert called it “the best JFK assassination book I ever read.”

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer

Monday, September 4, 2017

For those who claim Oswald used a “misaligned scope” or a “damaged and defective” scope:

Post-Assassination Carcano Timeline
Used to assassinate JFK.
Examined by DPD.  No scope damage found.
Shipped to FBI in DC for first round of testing.  No scope damage found.
Shipped back to Dallas for further examination.  No scope damage found.
Shipped back to FBI in DC for second round of testing.  Scope damage first noticed.  Crosshairs drift first noticed.  Blade spring damage first noticed.
Bench tested by Army Ballistics Research Laboratory at Aberdeen Proving Ground.
Shims placed by Army Ballistics Research Laboratory.
Shipped back to FBI.  Shims first noticed by FBI.
FBI firearms expert Robert Frazier testifies before Warren Commission.

Well, have I silenced forever those claims that Oswald used a misaligned, damaged or defective scope?

Thursday, August 31, 2017

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
Paperback, Kindle:

See the YouTube video “16 Mysteries Solved by The Final Truth

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Finding the answer to this tragic triple murder is entering its third and final phase.

The first phase was the conspiracy era, from the moment of the death of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 until 1993.  It was the heyday of writers who realized there was money to be made from unknowing, sometimes gullible, readers.  Little attention was paid to the truth.

The second phase began with the publication of Gerald Posner’sCase Closed.  For the first time, the importance of writing history correctly was fully appreciated.  Although the conspiracy industry continued to flourish, the maturing of the baby-boom generation caused many to see through the machinations of conspiracy authors and settle on the more practical, common-sense and believable single-gunman conclusion.  This phase lasted from 1993 until the present.

Now, the era of conspiracy books is over.  The era of books that simply debunk other theories is over.  The era of theories is over.

We are now embarking upon the third and concluding phase with Edward Bauer’s new book The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination.  For the first time, theories have been replaced with real-world experience in rifle marksmanship and film editing, the two disciplines crucial to solving this mystery.  It’s not all conspiracy.  It’s not all lone assassin.  It is all fully substantiated historical reality.

Rather that start from scratch, The Final Truth begins where others left off.  It takes as given what previous researchers have proven and goes from there.  It doesn’t waste the reader’s time with topics that have been written about many times before or with issues that don’t directly help solve this mystery.  While other books continue to argue conspiracy-or-Oswald, this work goes beyond that and as a result breaks more new ground than any other work on the subject.  It scientifically yet engagingly resolves more than 16 popular mysteries that even the Warren Commission failed to explain.

The Final Truth is perfect for those who want a relatively short, informal, easy-to-read explanation of how— and most importantly why— these historic events unfolded.

Learn more about The Final Truth here:

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Eight reasons why the first shot was not fired at or near Z160

1) If Gov. Connally and Rosemary Willis responded to a rifle blast, why did no one else in these frames as much as bat an eye?  The faster Connally’s “head snap,” the more certain some of the 63 others in that frame would have also shown reactions.  Yet there were none.  Several frames after Connally’s turn, 10-year-old Rosemary Willis slowed and stopped running because her father Phil called her.

2) Career-trained witnesses testified that the first shot occurred as the limousine was turning from Houston onto Elm or in the process of completing its turn, about six seconds earlier than Z160: Secret Service agents Paul Landis and Clint Hill, Chief Criminal Deputy Allan Sweatt and journalists Robert H. Jackson and Tom C. Dillard among many others.

3) A tough-to-ignore plurality of witnesses testified to a significantly greater time interval between the first two shots and the last two.  We know from the Zapruder film that 4.9 seconds elapsed between the second shot at Z224 and the third at Z313.  Yet only 3.5 seconds elapsed between Z160 and Z224. 

4) The primary rule in firing for accuracy is that you must first zero (sight-in) your firearm.  You don’t just pick up a rifle and start shooting!  Oswald knew from experience that his Carcano would never hold its zero (remain sighted-in) after being disassembled and reassembled.  He had learned that lesson by his failure to hit Gen. Walker.  A minimum of eight or nine seconds is required to re-zero with the first shot, placing it much earlier than Z160.

5) Is there any better explanation for the first shot completely missing the limousine than that it wasn’t aimed at the car to begin with?  Oswald used the first shot for the indispensable task of zeroing and it ‘missed’ because it was aimed a different target.  It created the fresh bullet mark in the south curb of Main Street.

6) Seven frames were removed from the Tina Towner film to hide her first-shot camera jiggle, just when the limousine was making the turn onto Elm Street (after frame T084).  And four frames from one and possibly two different copies of the Zapruder film were spliced out, just before the President disappeared behind the Stemmons Freeway sign (Z208‒Z211).  The FBI had to hide an early first shot.  For the good of the country.  You might have done the same thing.  I would have.

7) As shown in the Secret Service re-enactment film, Oswald was back from the window to rest the rifle muzzle on the box he placed there for stability.  If he were firing at the limousine with his first shot, he could not have acquired the target as early as Z160 without drastically repositioning himself.  He could only have fired downrange from that position.

8) There is no logical reason to assume that Abe Zapruder’s film captured all three shots.  It makes a neat package but it’s just not factual.  Once we learn what Oswald already knew, the need to zero his re-assembled Carcano to achieve the required accuracy, it becomes clear why the first shot was fired and therefore when it was fired.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer

Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination

Saturday, July 8, 2017

The sharp upward jump during the missing frames of Tina Towner's film is a drastic deviation from her smooth pan. Added yellow lines help show this sudden involuntary startle reaction within 0.307 of a second. Who did it?

The FBI, under orders from Director J. Edgar Hoover, deliberately spliced out this proof of an early first shot. Why?

Get the complete story and much more only in The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination.


Saturday, July 1, 2017

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer

Sunday, June 25, 2017

One door opens, everything falls into place.

If you’re old enough to have lived through the JFK assassination, you followed the shifting conventional wisdom as it was buffeted hither and yon with each new discovery.  Before even the Single Bullet Theory, you clearly recall when that wisdom pushed the time of the first shot forward one second to just before the President disappeared behind the Stemmons  Freeway sign: the FBI’s case for an unpreventable late first shot.  No argument, we all remember it happening.

We also recall three years later, on the last business day before Christmas buried in an obscure back-page article in The Baltimore Sun, the FBI and LIFE magazine admitted four frames were removed from the Zapruder film in a “lab accident” the day after the assassination— the exact frames (Z208‒Z211) that would have disproven a late first shot since Kennedy showed no reaction to such a shot.

Fast forward to the early ‘70s when film expert Jack D. White of Fort Worth is the first to notice a seven-frame splice in Tina Towner’s film.  The FBI had the film when the splice was made, a splice that removes a major “camera jiggle” in the 13-year-old’s film.  A jiggle reaction that pinpoints a very preventable, very early first shot.

The dominoes begin to tumble.  Two Secret Service agents on the running boards of the follow-up car, Clint Hill and Paul Landis, testify that the first shot was fired as the limo was “beginning to straighten out” during the turn from Houston St. onto Elm, exactly where the Towner splice occurs.  Finally, a first-ever jiggle analysis of the Towner, Hughes, Bell and Dorman films by this author demonstrates that the first shot exploded from Oswald’s rifle less than two fames prior to Tina Towner’s spliced-out camera jiggle reaction.  So why did Lee need to fire the first shot so early?  Domino “zero” holds the answer.
It is the “why” that solves the “what”... only in The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination.  Hope you enjoy it!

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

FALSEHOODS believed by both CTs and LNs:

1. All aimed shots were aimed at the limousine.
2. James Tague’s cheek wound caused blood.
3. Jack Ruby killed Oswald to protect Jackie Kennedy.
4. Oswald got off the 30-Marsalis bus due to heavy traffic.
5. Zapruder’s film captured all the shots.
6. Frames Z208Z211 were spliced out due to a “lab accident.”
7. Rosemary Willis turned because she heard a gunshot.
8. Senator Yarborough smelled gunpowder.
9. We’ll never know what happened (believed only by Arguers, not Solvers).

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination        -- Edward Bauer

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Final Truth solves:
   1. Why, when and where that first shot was fired
   2. Oswald's specific escape plans and why he was at Tenth and Patton when confronted by Officer J. D. Tippit
   3. The tremendous significance of Oswald’s short two-block bus ride
   4. Why the FBI lied about the fresh bullet mark on the Main St. curb
   5. Why Gov. and Mrs. Connally fundamentally disagreed with the Warren Report
   6. “Puffs of smoke” and muzzle flashes
   7. Why no assassins were firing from the grassy knoll
   8. The mysterious Harper skull fragment
   9. Mary Moorman’s photo and “Badgeman”
   10. Burn marks on the Hughes film and the 7-frame splice in Tina Towner’s film
   11. The only one of 10 filmers whose camera was rolling during all three shots (It’s not who you think.)
   12. The infamous Dictabelt recording
   13. The deliberate film splice LIFE magazine called a "lab accident"
   and much more.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Put down your pencils, the party’s over.
Close up your argue groups, it’s been solved.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Was the scope on Oswald’s rifle damaged before or after the JFK assassination?
For reasons elaborated in The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination, the answer is... during the second shipment from the Dallas Police to the FBI five days after.   To assume it was damaged when Oswald first received it is to underestimate his acumen as a USMC-trained marksman.  Why would he keep a damaged, defective and “misaligned” scope on the rifle during eight months of use?  In truth, he knew it was working perfectly on 11/22 and he used it for all three shots, including the first zeroing shot.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Thanks to the FBI, we now know the exact time of the first shot with as much accuracy as we know the exact time of the third shot.

The FBI spliced seven frames out of the Tina Towner film to cover up a major camera jiggle, her reaction to that first shot.  The jiggle analysis in The Final Truth reveals that she would have reacted exactly at the first missing frame.

Note the sharp upward jump during the missing frames, a radical aberration from her otherwise smooth-as-glass pan.  Added yellow lines help show this sudden involuntary startle reaction within 0.307 of a second (the Towners' camera filmed at 22.8 frames per second).  The splice is between T084 and T085.  This video uses retouched versions of these frames not obscured by splicing cement.

Detailed account in The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Why did some witnesses hear only two shots?
Why did the first shot sound different?

Oswald’s zeroing shot was fired 9.5 seconds before his second shot. This first shot had no apparent visible effect and the motorcade continued. But the fatal head shot had unexpected shocking, mind-numbing effects on everyone who witnessed it, particularly those closest to the horrific carnage such as Mary Moorman, Bill Newman and Jackie Kennedy. They did not remember that early first shot due to the long time interval and its relative insignificance. Those witnesses further away had to rely more on auditory input and were more likely to report all three shots. (Although close, the Connallys heard but didn’t see the killing shot and both remembered all three.)

The first shot sounded different because it was deliberately fired downrange and directly struck the concrete south curb of Main Street, Hoover’s un-sworn letter to Rankin notwithstanding. The sharp crack of this distant zeroing shot sounded different from the next two shots, which hit closer soft targets.

Paperback or Kindle

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The clue to where Oswald was headed is the bus transfer found in his possession. He asked for that transfer because his specific escape plans were to transfer from the 30-Marsalis bus to the 55-Lancaster bus where those routes converged at the Dallas Zoo. He could then board the Greyhound bus, most likely at the Veterans Hospital, to Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey, Mexico.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination     -- Edward Bauer
Paperback & Kindle:

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Oswald’s shooting at Gen. Edwin A. Walker is the Rosetta Stone for solving this case. The reason Oswald missed Walker is the same reason his first shot at JFK ‘missed’: his Marine Corps indoctrination in the indispensable requirement of zeroing the reassembled firearm (or a lack thereof in the Walker instance).
Three days prior to the shooting, Oswald took the bus to the vicinity of the Walker residence with his rifle wrapped in a green military raincoat. He knew the shorter and less ‘rifle-looking’ the bundle, the less suspicion would be aroused so he disassembled it for transport. This first trip was for the sole purpose of hiding the bundle under some leaves about a mile from Walker’s home, just as his third trip three days after the shooting was solely to retrieve the Carcano.
David McCullough said about his biography of John Adams that he immersed himself in ‘becoming’ Adams. I did the same with Oswald. If I wanted to shoot Gen. Walker and had to take my rifle on the bus, I’d do everything I could to allay suspicion by shortening that bundle by any length. My life could depend on it.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
Edward Bauer

Friday, April 7, 2017

I distance myself from the Max Holland/Johann Rush theory; the only thing in common is an early first shot.  They said it hit the traffic signal support pole.  In fact, it was used for the indispensable requirement of zeroing (sighting-in) the rifle (adjusting windage & elevation) and wasn’t aimed at the limousine.  You don’t just pick up a rifle and start shooting!  Especially if it has been disassembled and reassembled.  It was purposefully fired at the Main St. curb and more than three seconds earlier than Holland/Rush, exactly where the seven frames are spliced out of the Tina Towner film by the FBI to hide her camera-jiggle reaction to that first shot.

For the complete solution, see:

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
Paperback and Kindle: 

Friday, March 31, 2017

Put down your pencils, the party’s over.  Close up your argue groups, it’s been solved.  The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
Edward Bauer