Tuesday, December 25, 2018

To all my friends, followers and readers—may you all have a pleasant, happy, peaceful, joyous and a very Merry Christmas season!  All the best, Ed Bauer.  😊

Sunday, December 16, 2018


Your beliefs, right or wrong, tell the world not just who you are but what you are.  You are nothing more than your beliefs.  Are they based on experience or fear of the unknown?  There are reasons rifle experts never claim two or three gunmen.  Reasons film editors never claim films were “altered.”

Do you control your beliefs or do they control you?  Self- respect dictates that you demand more of your beliefs than a simplistic knee-jerk reaction.  You may admit that your lack of experience forces you to theorize but you may not forever refuse that experience.  Search out ways to improve, unafraid to change your mind.  Read and experience in hopes of rocking and shocking your core essence.

Readers of The Final Truth stated that it affected them in fundamental ways.  Best of luck on this hopefully rocky voyage into your future.  😊

Sunday, December 9, 2018

There are dozens of true Carcano owner/experts who know each part and will be happy to tell you every step of its long and colorful history.  Their knowledge and expertise give credibility to their opinions.  Yet to those who have never fired a rifle in their lives, the Carcano is the worst rifle ever.  Be careful what you tell people you believe.

It was manufactured for over 50 years for armies around the world.  Its 14 major versions included carbine, short rifle, long rifle, 7.35mm, 6.5mm, with bayonet or without, curved or straight bolt handle, and fixed or adjustable sights.  The M91/38 was a superior weapon with breakthrough state-of-the-art design, particularly in the bolt action.  The U. S. Army’s Ballistics Research Laboratory found Oswald’s 1940 Carcano equal to the M14, the standard-issue U. S. rifle until 1970*.  Its sights were not adjustable which is why Oswald optioned the 4x18 scope with windage and elevation screws.

If you want to learn the truth and not simply win an argument, learn from the real experts.  For those with decades of hands-on experience in disciplines essential for solving these mysteries, theorizing is unnecessary.

*- Testimony of Ronald Simmons, WC, Vol. III, pp. 442443, March 31, 1964.


Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The most intriguing ‘bus’ mystery is: if Oswald were fleeing back to his rooming house at 1026 North Beckley, why didn’t he take the 22-Beckley bus?  It went straight past the TSBD on Elm, through the triple underpass and stopped directly across the Beckley-Zang intersection from his residence.  The schedule was also favorable.  The answer to this and 21 other mysteries is in…

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


Oswald’s USMC indoctrination with constantly re-zeroing and his miss of Gen. Walker reinforce in him the essential requirement to always zero.  That’s why the first shot ‘misses’ and the FBI firearms experts know this from the beginning.

Lee knows he has plenty of time in Dealey Plaza, almost 10 seconds, for that indispensable zeroing shot.  He correctly anticipates that no one will react for those 10 seconds.

1. Oswald pre-selects the south curb of Main Street to zero the scope.  It is his only option.  It causes the “freshly made bullet mark” seen by Walthers, Sweatt, Tague and others.
2. Aim, fire and note where the concrete dust kicks up relative to the crosshairs.  [Clock starts.  1 sec.]
3. Adjust windage and elevation screws.  [4 sec. max.]
4. Operate bolt.  [2 sec. max.]
5. Wait for JFK to appear from behind oak tree.  [As needed.]
6. Acquire target and fire.  [Up to 2.5 sec.  Clock stops.]

Total 9.5 seconds between the first and second shots.  EXACTLY where the FBI splices 8 frames from the Tina Towner film to hide her jiggle reaction to that very early first shot.  The 4-film jiggle analysis in The Final Truth demonstrates that her camera shake would have occurred precisely at the first missing frame.

Hoover lied about “no copper.”  If true, he would have released the results of the spectrographic analysis immediately.  Instead it takes two Supreme Court FOIA cases before the FBI claims they were “destroyed during routine housekeeping.”  See The Final Truth, Appendix C – Harold Weisberg’s six JFK Assassination-related court cases filed against the FBI/U.S. Dept. of Justice under the FOIA.

Friday, November 23, 2018

The first shot missed because it was aimed at the south curb of Main St. to zero the scope.

All marksmen know the importance of zeroing (sighting-in) your firearm.  Oswald was trained in the USMC to zero often.   A look at Oswald’s Marine Corps Score Book shows:
  • ·       From page (31), during his 10 shots, he re-zeroed before the first, third and fifth shots (9-1R, 9-1L, 8-1L).  See the page below.
  • ·       From page (24): he re-zeroed before shots 1, 4 and 7. 
  • ·       Page (22): before shots 1, 5 and 8. 
  • ·       Page (23): 1, 3, 6 and 8. 
  • ·       Page (28): 1, 3, 7 and 9. 
  • ·       Oswald re-zeroed before 25−30% of his slow fire shots. 
  • ·       There are five instances where he even re-zeroed during rapid fire.

If you want to open the doors to solving the JFK assassination, study and understand every page of Pvt. Oswald’s Marine Corps Score Book.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

In 1963, it cost extra to add flash-suppressant chemicals to gunpowder which is why small arms like Jack Ruby’s pistol had small muzzle flashes but military weapons like Oswald’s Carcano or high grade rifles used by conspiratorial hit men did not.  
Rambo isn’t real.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer

Friday, November 9, 2018

“Breaks very much new ground.”

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination

Monday, October 15, 2018

Exact timing of the three shots

We know precisely when the first shot was fired thanks to the FBI’s attempt to cover it up!  The eight frames spliced out of the Tina Towner film recorded a major camera jiggle, her reaction to the first shot.  The Zapruder film shows us when the next two shots were fired.  Dale K. Myers synchronized all 10 Dealey Plaza films so we know how the Towner and Zapruder films correlate.

Although the Towner and Zapruder films do not overlap (Towner stopped filming 0.71 seconds before Zapruder resumed filming), the John Martin film bridges the gap to correlate the two.  Robert Hughes & Elsie Dorman were also filming at this time but both had camera stops within that short gap.

So, exactly 9.5 seconds elapse between the first two shots and 4.9 seconds between the 2nd and 3rd.  All three shots take 14.4 seconds.

We can now see who is filming during which shot.
1st – Hughes, Towner, Dorman, Bell
2nd – Dorman, Zapruder
3rd -- Wiegman, Muchmore, Dorman, Nix, Zapruder, Bronson

The only filmer whose camera is rolling during all three shots is, believe it or not, Elsie Dorman.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer

Saturday, September 15, 2018

One of several significant breakthroughs in The Final Truth is the 4-film “Jiggle Analysis” and triangulation leading back to the source of the shots.  Until this book, the Zapruder film was the only film studied for the jiggle effect.  The Final Truth examines that and four other films— Mark Bell, Robert Hughes, Elsie Dorman and Tina Towner— to pinpoint the place and the time of that enigmatic first shot.

Just one of many groundbreaking ‘firsts’ in The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination

Monday, September 10, 2018

The eight frames the FBI removed from the Tina Towner film occur exactly when Secret Service Agents Clint Hill and Paul Landis said the first shot was fired.

Get the complete story and much more only in The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination.

“...a book that may change history.”

Friday, September 7, 2018

The sharp upward jump during the eight missing frames of Tina Towner's film is a drastic deviation from her smooth pan.  Added yellow lines help show this sudden involuntary startle reaction within 0.307 of a second.  Who removed those frames?

The FBI, under orders from Director J. Edgar Hoover, deliberately spliced out this proof of a very early first shot.  How?  Why?

Get the complete story and much more only in The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination.

“...a book that may change history.”

Monday, August 13, 2018

Here’s a list of 30 on-line book shops selling The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination in both paperback and Kindle, new or used.  Get the lowest price possible!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Final Truth takes you through second-by-second details of the assassin's three rifle shots at President Kennedy, his escape, his murder of Dallas Police Officer J. D. Tippit and his own tragic killing.  This gripping real-life thriller not only describes what happened but explains why it happened.  The book illustrates how home movies taken that day in Dealey Plaza by Tina Towner, Mark Bell, Robert Hughes, Elsie Dorman and Abraham Zapruder prove beyond doubt how that historic sequence of events unfolded.

This work reveals how the FBI became deeply involved in covering up the truth and provides a groundbreaking investigation into the real reason Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald.

With supplementary threads weaving their way throughout, The Final Truth concludes with an emotional closing chapter dedicated to the unsung heroes of this tragedy.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
Paperback and Kindle are now available on Amazon! http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1490350578

Friday, July 20, 2018

You breathe a thankful sigh of relief when the case is solved, knowing you can now occupy yourself with more constructive pursuits.  Everyone agrees with the conclusion.  History books unite without dissent.  Facebook groups, forums and newsgroups gladly shut down for lack of a raison d’etre.  You are a Solver.
You reject anyone who offers an idea that might help solve the case.  You claim to be searching for the truth but your worst fear is finding it.  When the case is solved, you rally a cadre to freeze time and perpetuate your disputes as the Sane World moves on.  You are an Arguer.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination

Friday, June 29, 2018

No other work— not Posner’s, Bugliosi’s or any other solves these mysteries:

1. Why, when and where that mysterious first shot was fired.
2. Where Oswald was headed when confronted by Officer J. D. Tippit.
3. Why Oswald fled from the 30/Marsalis bus after only two blocks.  (And it wasn’t due to heavy traffic.)
4. What the FBI knew about the fresh bullet mark on the Main Street curb.
5. Why there were deliberate splices in the Zapruder and the Tina Towner films.

The Final Truth solves them all and many more.

Breaking new ground....
The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1490350578

Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer
Paperback and Kindle:

Monday, May 21, 2018

A very preventable assassination

If you’re old enough to have lived through the JFK assassination, you followed the shifting conventional wisdom as it was buffeted hither and yon with each new discovery.  Before even the Single Bullet Theory, you clearly recall when that wisdom pushed the time of the first shot forward one second to just before the President disappeared behind the Stemmons  Freeway sign: the FBI’s case for an unpreventable late first shot.  No argument, we all remember it happening.

We also recall three years later, on the last business day before Christmas buried in an obscure back-page article in The Baltimore Sun, the FBI and LIFE magazine finally admitted four frames were removed from the Zapruder film in a “lab accident” the day after the assassination.  These were the exact frames (Z208Z211) that would have disproven the FBI’s late first shot since Kennedy showed no reaction to such a shot.

Fast forward to the early ‘70s when film expert Jack D. White of Fort Worth is the first to notice a seven-frame splice in Tina Towner’s film.  The FBI had the film when the splice was made, a splice that removes a major “camera jiggle” in the 13-year-old’s film.  A jiggle reaction that pinpoints a very early first shot.  And a very preventable assassination.

The dominoes begin to tumble.  Two Secret Service agents on the running boards of the follow-up car, Clint Hill and Paul Landis, testify that the first shot was fired as the limo was “beginning to straighten out” during the turn from Houston St. onto Elm, exactly where the Towner splice occurs.

Finally, a first-ever jiggle analysis of the Towner, Hughes, Bell and Dorman films by this author demonstrates that the first shot exploded from Oswald’s rifle less than two fames prior to Tina Towner’s spliced-out camera jiggle reaction.

So why did Lee need to fire the first shot so early?  Domino “zero” holds the answer.
It is the “why” that solves the “what”...

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer
Paperback and Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1490350578

Thursday, May 3, 2018

You don’t just pick up a rifle and start shooting!

All marksmen know the indispensable requirement of always first zeroing your firearm to achieve the required accuracy, especially if it has been disassembled as Oswald’s had been.

The captain of my high school rifle team could routinely zero a rifle in one shot.  He was on the scope.  I would fire once from prone at the center rings of the A-17 type target.  He would call out the adjustments (e.g., 2 up, 3 left).  My second shot was almost always a bull.

That, my friends, is zeroing a rifle in one shot.
Lee Oswald zeroed his reassembled rifle with the first shot.
That, my friends, is why the first shot ‘missed.’
It was aimed at, and struck, the south curb of Main Street.
The FBI knew that from the beginning.

Monday, April 23, 2018

An excerpt from The Final Truth:

“[Oswald] would carefully analyze why his single shot at Walker, which seemed a sure hit at less than a hundred feet, missed.  The simple explanation was that the bullet Oswald fired hit the window frame, thus sparing General Walker’s life.  But that reverses cause and effect.  The striking of the window frame was the effect of the miss, not the cause.  It was ‘how’ the shot missed, not ‘why’ it missed.  With all the time he needed, having a fence as a stable gun platform,35 and using a 4-power scope from that close a distance, Oswald easily would have seen the window frame silhouetted by the interior room light and taken aim to avoid hitting it.  He even told Marina that he took very careful aim.36  Yet the bullet went astray.  Through his extensive knowledge of firearms and marksmanship, he deduced the true cause of that missed shot.  He would not let that mistake happen again.”

Lee knew he missed Walker because he hadn’t zeroed (sighted-in) his carbine.  Having learned his lesson, he used the first shot in Dealey Plaza to zero his Carcano.  That’s why it ‘missed,’ it wasn’t aimed at the limo in the first place.


Saturday, March 31, 2018

Once more, conventional wisdom is wrong.

Oswald did not leave the 30-Marsalis bus due to heavy traffic but because he spotted his former landlady Mary Bledsoe on that bus.  She disliked him so much she kicked him out of his room after only five days, got into an argument with him and refused to refund the extra two days’ rent for which he had paid.   He feared that once his name was mentioned in the media, she or her son would call the police to report his escape route and that’s exactly what they did.  He had no choice but to leave that bus immediately and hope she hadn’t seen him.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Some prefer the mystery to the solution.  That’s fine.  Speculating can be more fun than knowing the answer.  As long as no one gives the solution, nobody will be proven wrong.  Whatever suits your fancy. 

But for those of us who want the JFK assassination mystery solved so we can get on with our lives, the truth matters.  To those of us I offer my comments and my book.

Serious history finally written correctly.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination

Sunday, March 18, 2018

We know exactly when the first shot was fired thanks to the FBI’s attempt to cover it up!

The eight frames spliced out of the Tina Towner film recorded a major camera jiggle, her reaction to the first shot.  Note the sharp upward movement during the missing frames, a radical aberration from her otherwise smooth-as-glass pan. Added yellow lines help show this sharp rapid movement within 0.307 of a second (the Towners' camera filmed at 22.8 frames per second).  The jiggle analysis in The Final Truth proves that she would have reacted exactly at the first missing frame.

The FBI was in possession of this film when the splice was made. They removed the jiggle to cover up a very early first shot, which would have put the Secret Service in a bad light and perhaps have led to a spike in assassination attempts.

See detailed descriptions of this and much more in The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination.
Paperback: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1490350578
Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPSBM7U
Website: http://www.thefinaltruth.net 

Monday, March 5, 2018

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
Great reviews!  Read it today!  Solve it today!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

The Films Hold the Answer

The films of Tina Towner, Mark Bell, Robert Hughes, Elsie Dorman and Abraham Zapruder each reveal significant clues to solving this case.  The Final Truth demonstrates why crude film splices by the FBI expose more than they hide.  And the jiggle analysis of these important films pinpoints the time and source of the shots.  Yet this revealing research had never been done prior to this breakthrough work.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
Edward Bauer

“…breaks very much new ground.”
“MUST READ Book... this is one of the best.”

Sunday, February 18, 2018

An interested Facebook reader commented, "No one will ever know the total truth. Only speculation."

Thanks for your input.
(1) One speculates only when one has no proof. The proof is in the book. Those who have read the book know it isn’t speculation. One also speculates or theorizes when one has no real-world knowledge of or experience in the subjects at hand. This author has a lifetime of experience in both rifle marksmanship and film editing, a unique perspective since knowledge of these two disciplines is crucial to solving the mystery.
(2) Everyone has the right to say that *they* will never know the total truth, but one cannot claim that nobody else will ever be able to solve this mystery.
Thanks again for your thoughts.  😊

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
--Edward Bauer-- 
“Bauer is not intimidated by conventional wisdom and thinks outside the box, but in a rational manner.”

Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination 
--Edward Bauer--
 Paperback, Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1490350578
 “…breaks very much new ground.”

Monday, February 5, 2018

Finding the answer to this tragic triple murder is entering its third and final phase.

The first phase was the conspiracy era, from the moment of the death of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963 until 1993.  It was the heyday of writers who realized there was money to be made from unknowing, sometimes gullible, readers.  Little attention was paid to the truth.

The second phase began with the publication of Gerald Posner’s Case Closed.  For the first time, the importance of writing history correctly was fully appreciated.  Although the conspiracy industry continued to flourish, the maturing of the baby-boom generation caused many to see through the machinations of conspiracy authors and settle on the more practical, common-sense and believable single-gunman conclusion.  This phase lasted from 1993 until the present.

Now, the era of conspiracy books is over.  The era of books that simply debunk other theories is over.  The era of theories is over.

We are now embarking upon the third and concluding phase with Edward Bauer’s new book The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination.  For the first time, theories have been replaced with real-world experience in rifle marksmanship and film editing, the two disciplines crucial to solving this mystery.  It’s not all conspiracy.  It’s not all lone assassin.  It is all fully substantiated historical reality.

Rather that start from scratch, The Final Truth begins where others left off.  It takes as given what previous researchers have proven and goes from there.  It doesn’t waste the reader’s time with topics that have been written about many times before or with issues that don’t directly help solve this mystery.  While other books continue to argue conspiracy-or-Oswald, this work goes beyond that and as a result breaks more new ground than any other work on the subject.  It scientifically yet engagingly resolves more than 16 popular mysteries that even the Warren Commission failed to explain.

The Final Truth is perfect for those who want a relatively short, informal, easy-to-read explanation of how— and most importantly why— these historic events unfolded.

Learn more about The Final Truth here:
Kindle: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CPSBM7U

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

One of several significant breakthroughs in The Final Truth is the 5-film “Jiggle Analysis” and triangulation leading back to the source of the shots.  Until this book, the Zapruder film was the only film studied for the jiggle effect.  The Final Truth examines that and four other films— Mark Bell, Robert Hughes, Elsie Dorman and Tina Towner— to pinpoint the place and the time of that enigmatic first shot. 

Just one of many groundbreaking ‘firsts’ in The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Why FBI Director Hoover lied about copper on the curb bullet gouge:

This is the most complex aspect of solving the mystery of the JFK assassination.  Briefly, the Hoover FBI needed to squash belief in a conspiracy and at the same time protect the Secret Service’s non-reaction to what they knew was a very early first shot.  They knew the bullet gouge was caused by Oswald zeroing his scope with that early first shot but to admit it would irreparably tarnish the reputation of the Secret Service.  Yet to declare that the gouge was from another type of bullet would be to admit a conspiracy.  Both could lead to a spike in assassination attempts and a de-stabilization of the government.

What would you do?
The FBI at first denied any curb gouge or even a mark existed.  When confronted with photos in the media, Hoover insisted that it was only a “smear” and not caused by a bullet.  Yet Dallas Sherriff’s Deputies Walthers and Sweatt as well as eyewitness James Tague stated that it was “a bullet mark, and freshly made.”  Other than that single un-sworn letter from Hoover to Rankin, there is no hard evidence that a spectrographic analysis was ever conducted.

Hoover did what he honestly believed was best for the country.  You might have done the same thing.  I would have.

Complete analysis and details:
The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
Edward Bauer

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Between the First and Second Shots

1. Oswald pre-selected the south curb of Main Street to zero the scope.  He had no other choice.
2. Aim, fire and note where dust kicked up relative to the crosshairs.  <Clock starts.  1 sec.>
3. Adjust windage and elevation screws.  <4 sec. max.>
4. Operate bolt.  <2 sec. max.>
5. Wait for JFK to appear from behind oak tree.  <as needed>
6. Acquire target and fire.  <up to 2.5 sec.  Clock stops.>

Total 9.5 seconds between the first and second shots.
Exactly where the FBI spliced 7 frames from the Tina Towner film to hide her jiggle reaction to that very early first shot.
You don’t just pick up a rifle and start shooting!
Details in The Final Truth, pp. 122‒123.  http://www.thefinaltruth.net


17 experts and gun manufacturers weigh in on the need to zero a reassembled rifle: http://thefinaltruthjfk.blogspot.com/2015/02/for-those-who-might-like-bit.html.