Friday, June 21, 2019

“There was a mark quite obviously 
that was a bullet, and it was very fresh.”
--James Tague, testimony to Warren Commission, 
July 23, 1964 (7H553).
All marksmen know the indispensable requirement to always first zero (sight-in) your firearm to achieve the required accuracy, especially if it has been disassembled as Oswald’s had been.  You don’t just pick up a rifle and start shooting!

Lee Oswald zeroed the scope of his reassembled rifle with the first shot.  That’s why the first shot ‘missed.’   It was aimed at, and struck, the south curb of Main Street.  It caused the fresh bullet mark seen by Walthers, Sweatt, Tague and others.

The FBI knew this from the beginning.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination

Friday, June 7, 2019

Baltimore Sun, Dec. 20, 1966. The first admission that the four frames were missing from the Zapruder film.  Here, LIFE simply said the film was torn.  Nothing more specific.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer

Sunday, June 2, 2019


It’s the breakthrough we’ve all been looking for.  We’ve known since December 20, 1966 that four crucial frames, Z208Z211, had been removed from the camera original Zapruder film.  On that date, LIFE magazine and the Hoover FBI admitted this and claimed it was caused by an unspecified “lab accident” the day after the assassination.  My book, The Final Truth, proved it was deliberate.

The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza now admits on its website that its copy the LIFE copy “was apparently also damaged when it was at LIFE and it, too, may be lacking one or two of the ‘missing’ frames.”

Are we supposed to believe that two different copies of the Zapruder film both “accidentally” had the same critical frames removed?  How gullible do you have to be to buy that?  They could examine their copy to determine exactly which frames are missing.  You can hold your breath waiting for that to happen.  Or you can read The Final Truth now.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
-- Edward Bauer

“MUST READ Book... this is one of the best.”
“…clear, succinct, entertaining, informative…”
“…breaks very much new ground.”
“Excellent analyses and innovative perspectives.”
“...a book that may change history.”