Five questions answered only
by The Final Truth.
1. Oswald fired the
first shot for the INDISPENSABLE requirement of zeroing. It missed because it wasn’t aimed at the
limousine in the first place. Learn
rifle marksmanship then read and understand every word of Oswald’s Marine Corps
Score Book.
2. There are
several clues, starting with the bus transfer, that reveal where Oswald was headed
when confronted by Officer Tippit.
3. Oswald was safe
on the 30-Marsalis bus and would not have left it due to heavy traffic, which
he knew would clear in a minute or two.
He fled from the bus because he ran into Mary Bledsoe.
4. FBI firearms experts knew the fresh bullet
mark was caused by the required zeroing shot. See #1 above.
5. The same four
frames were spliced out of two different first-day versions of the Zapruder
film. Eight frames were removed from the
Tina Towner film to cover up her camera jiggle reaction to the first shot. These were not accidents. Professionals do not make mistakes like that.
Conventional wisdom,
both CT and LN, only perpetuates arguments.
Read The Final Truth. As one reviewer said, “Bauer is not
intimidated by conventional wisdom.”
The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK