Friday, March 31, 2017

Put down your pencils, the party’s over.  Close up your argue groups, it’s been solved.  The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
Edward Bauer

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Why Hoover lied about copper residue on the curb gouge:

This is the most complex aspect of solving the mystery of the JFK assassination.  Briefly, the Hoover FBI needed to squash belief in a conspiracy and at the same time protect the Secret Service’s non-reaction to what they knew was a very early first shot.  They knew the bullet gouge was caused by Oswald zeroing his scope with that early first shot but to admit it would irreparably tarnish the reputation of the Secret Service.  Yet to declare that the gouge was from another type of bullet would be to admit a conspiracy.  Both could lead to a spike in assassination attempts and a de-stabilization of the government.
What would you do?
The FBI at first denied any curb gouge or even a mark existed.  When confronted with photos in the media, Hoover insisted that it was only a “smear” and not caused by a bullet.  Yet Dallas Sherriff’s Deputies Walthers and Sweatt as well as eyewitness James Tague stated that it was “a bullet mark, and freshly made.”  Other than that single un-sworn letter from Hoover to Rankin, there is no hard evidence that a spectrographic analysis was ever conducted.

Hoover did what he honestly believed was best for the country.  You might have done the same thing.  I would have.

Complete analysis and details:
The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
Edward Bauer

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

This FBI cover-up has fooled people for over 50 years.  It was a complex conspiracy that:
1. Deliberately spliced seven frames out of the Tina Towner film
2. Deliberately spliced four frames from the Zapruder film
3. First denied the existence of the bullet gouge in the south curb of Main Street
4. Patched over that gouge
5. Removed that entire curb section and took it to Washington, DC
6. Lied to the Warren Commission about results of the spectrographic analysis of the curb
7. Willfully twisted and distorted witness statements to make it appear they were saying things they were not.

Most conspiracies like this are tacit, unspoken but understood by all involved.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination
Edward Bauer

Monday, March 13, 2017

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover lied to the Warren Commission, claiming (in a single un-sworn letter) that the spectrographic analysis of the bullet gouge in the Main St. curb showed no copper.  If the test had supported Hoover’s claim, the FBI would have released the results immediately.  Instead they destroyed them.

This was just part of the FBI cover-up.  The Final Truth explains why Hoover lied about this and the reasons behind the cover-up.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination