Sunday, August 18, 2019

In light of the Epstein revelations, perhaps the doubting Thomases will begin to accept that the Dallas Police Department stood up with their slain fellow officer and friend J. D. Tippit and made sure that Lee Harvey Oswald was punished for this crime.
The complete backstory and detailed analysis is available only in The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Lee Harvey Oswald and John F. Kennedy

Author William Manchester called him “a wretched waif.”  But underestimating Oswald is why this case hasn’t been solved in over 50 years.  He is seen as a hollow-skulled simpleton yet his IQ was 118, only 1 point less than JFK’s 119.  He was a voracious reader and learned the difficult Russian language without formal training.  Oswald was a better marksman and knew more about rifle marksmanship than anyone in those JFK debate groups.  As part of his Marine Corps introductory regimen alone, he fired 50-70 rounds a day for 3 weeks (11H302).

Is that a “wretched waif”?  Oswald knew from the beginning that he was perfectly capable of pulling off this crime.
The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination