Saturday, December 4, 2021

More results of my research…

Realizing how critically important bus transportation was in Oswald’s life, I paid a very modest sum to download better quality but still barely legible copies of the same bus schedules he spent hours studying.  I purchased several 1963-era Dallas street maps, scanned them and meticulously re-created all the bus routes, street by street, deciphering every blurry word.

Many things clearly became apparent: why Oswald wanted the bus transfer and where he was headed, why he needed to catch that exact 12:40pm 30-Marsalis bus, why he didn’t take the 22-Beckley bus back to his rooming house and much more.

To this day, the only place on earth where these revealing maps can be found is in my book, The Final Truth.

The Final Truth: Solving the Mystery of the JFK Assassination